Treatment plan
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Treatment plan
How often should I get a bone density test?
Did you know? Bone density tests are often repeated in 1-2 years if you are not being treated with medication, so you and your healthcare provider can carefully monitor your progress to decide on future treatment options. Bone density tests are also often repeated 1-2 years after starting or changing osteoporosis medication to evaluate response…Treatment plan
What is a bisphosphonate drug holiday?
Did you know? When a patient responds well to bisphosphonate medication, many healthcare providers will consider a“bisphosphonate drug holiday” during which the patient takes a temporary break from treatment. Read more Bisphosphonate Holiday Watch this video What is a bisphosphonate holiday?Treatment plan
How can I tell if the medicine is working?
Did you know? Your healthcare provider will keep track of your progress by periodically testing your bone density and sometimes checking your blood and urine to see how your medicine is affecting you. Depending on the severity of your osteoporosis, your fracture risk, and how your body is responding, your healthcare provider may decide to…Prevent further bone loss and broken bones
What exercises can safely build strong bones?
Did you know? Weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises signal your body to build new bone. Posture exercises and healthy body dynamics (how you stand and move) also help you remain active and independent. They improve balance and protect your bones, including the bones of the spine that can break more easily in some people with osteoporosis….Prevent further bone loss and broken bones
How can I maintain a bone healthy diet?
Did you know? Eating a well-balanced diet including foods containing calcium, the building block for healthy bones, is key to maintaining strong bones throughout our life time; making sure our osteoporosis medication works as effectively as possible; and healing our bones if we have had a fracture. A healthy eating plan is so important to…Prevent further bone loss and broken bones
What leads to weaker bones?
Did you know? Bone strength is made up of both bone quantity (measured by a Bone Density Test known as a DXA scan) as well as bone quality (the properties of your bone tissues). Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) is one way to help determine bone quality through images of inner bone formation. People with poor…Prevent further bone loss and broken bones
What can I do to prevent falls?
Did you know? Falling is not a normal part of aging. You can prevent falls by doing the right exercises to improve strength and balance, making your home safer, and getting regular health checkups. Remember that some health conditions and some medicines can make you feel weak or dizzy, so talk to your healthcare provider…Had a broken bone
Who can develop an exercise plan that is right for me?
Did you know? Specialized health professionals can help you recover from a fracture. Physical therapists and occupational therapists use a variety of methods to treat pain and strengthen your muscles as you heal and will help you move safely to regain function and prevent falls. After you heal, physical therapists and exercise professionals with experience…Had a broken bone